
Filhos De Ghandy

Filhos De Ghandy is a Brazillian secret order of men who are dedicated to, of all things,


A novel idea, eh?
When can we start doing stuff like this in America?

The elders are also involved.

Even the light skinned brothers get in on the action. ;-) Clearly for the people.

They always get the girl...

Organization. Power.

Rites of Passage.

Gangasta body art.

Um.. I'm really not mad at this.

<img style="cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 400px; height: 307px;" src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_WMBzp4yBsE0/STwJVku8mYI/AAAAAAAAAOk/7X5KbxTuDGU/s400/2.03_carnaval_blocos+filhos+de+gandhy4.jpg" border="0"
alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5277103129613867394" />

My auntie gave me this wonderful album as a teen and introduced me to this revolutionary concept via classic Brazilian music. Highly recommended.

This is the late Clara Nunes singing "Ijexa" celebrating the group. Enjoy :-)

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