
Still buckee nekkid..

I Appreciate Your Honesty.

I almost typed on here, "I appreciate your Hennessy."
I can't really handle any more Thug Passion since my "incident" but if you give it to me, I'll have a gift for someone else. ;-)
Gifts of any kind and monetary donations are very welcome around these parts.

I'll settle for honesty.

If you visit this site, please leave a comment.

Thank you.

-the mgmt


Ok. So enough people complained about the price of hand painted works of art on T-shirts, that I designed a lower priced line of Boom.Threads. I haven't decided what T-shirt service I'm going to use yet, but keep checking this blog and you'll be the first to know.

Random pics from Rory's ultra hip birthday bash photographed by the sickeningly hip photographer The Cobra Snake

Anybody who knows me knows I love to get loose on the dancefloor. I don't care about how I look. That's just what happens when the holy spirit takes over.

Maybe that's why I'm not that hip... Or maybe I'm hipper than hip and I just don't know it yet. :-o


Ok. I lied. It's not really summer anymore. But it sure feels like it to an East Coast girl like me. My trip to D.H. Gremlin Studios in Long Beach produced this shot (among others...) from the very talented Wendy aka Wynnesome. I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

And the D.H. Gremlin story is interesting, too. From what I could peice together he's a multi-talented artist who wound up in LA w/ no family/friends/connects/etc., and built a community around himself that continues to be a successful recording studio, and photo studio that services the LBC and Los Angeles communities at an affordable cost.

What's sprung up there is a tight knit community of artists and professionals that support and learn from each other. And they are very welcoming.

When I went in there I saw the African drums and crystals, a little stone henge shrine, some gongs... a little something sacred from every culture... and I knew I was in a good place.

That's tight. :-)


I love these scarification designs... the sacred textures and patterns inspire me when i paint boomthreads.

Video Blogging In The Buff

U came here for something REAL, right? It gets no realer.


New Shirt. New Day.

Hey, folks.

Check out my latest photo shoot with Long Beach based photographer Tatiana Lavin and model Cazz. Make-up and hair done by the Deadly Illyne.

They were an exuberant team of creatives and afterward we chatted about self-expression. More photos and video coming soon...


what is self-expression?

boom really wants to know...

Saturday Showdown!

Two great shows in one day!

At least you don't have to choose because Nat Creole's Ready or Not is during the day on Saturday, and Deep Green is an evening event. Sound round up the kiddies and mommies and daddies and head to the Flatbush Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library on Saturday, Ocotober 4. Take one dose of BOom in the morning and another at night to make your day complete!

This show features the "Boss Logic" Shirley Chisolm portrait, as well as the special limited edition "Amigo -o- Enemigo" to commemorate the so-called Economic Crisis. Had a good laugh with that one. Gift economy, anyone? Also featured is the classic "V is for Victory" design.


I Go BOom.boOM In Jersey City

Wassup to my New York naybahz. ;-)(get it? naybahz from my naybahood.)
Boom.Threads has come to a city near U!

All those in the mood for great fun, it is advisable to take a journey to Jersey City to visit the lovely "conceptual project space" of Eto S. Oro, Es Oro Gallery.

The event is:

Deep Green
New works in polymedia by:
Ogechi Chieke, Henry G. Sanchez, Eder Muniz, Jade Kuei, Rodina Mikhail, Xenobia Bailey, Maurizio Zuluaga, George "Geo" Smith & Eto S. Oro!

The Deep Green concept is an innovative approach to using simulation to support ongoing creative operations while they are being conducted.

For those of you that don't already know Jersey City has been dubbed "Brooklyn-lite" by the local bohemian elite. This is a good thing, mind you. I take it to mean fun for the whole family.

What this means for Boom.Threads is that YOU get a chance to visit the gallery and try out the line and get your picture taken in any and as many of the shirts that you want! See yourself on the Blog!!!! Impress your friends with a hot new myspace picture.

YESSSS, lovelies! It's time 2 get your model on...

Es Oro Gallery's new show opens this weekend along with the Jersey City Studio Tour.

Fun! Fun! Fun! & Fabulousness! Fashion, Art, Music, Dancing and Networking! All for free!
Can't beat it with a stick.

I wish I could be there but the country being in a financial crisis has suddenly put a damper on my plans. MERCURY IS IN RETROGRADE, PEOPLE! We gonna do this like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and "Don't Panic." But that's another story for another time...

*Bonus! Es Oro has works on loan from George "Geo" Smith. (1945-1999). Artist. Activist. Powerful chronicler of the African diaspora experience and imagination. These are some must see works. seriously.


She Put The Fantastic In Boomtastic

This is Rory. She's a 14 year old student by day, full-time hip-hop dancer and 24/7 trendsetter. All of this activity makes her a little wiser than her years, but I can assure you, she is a certified card carrying young person. Don't mess with her or you deal with me :D

Rory is wearing the classic "So, Boom" Logo design which is available in various colors. She chose this design, "because there was splatter all over it, which looks like fun. It represents fun because splatter plaint or dots seem to represent freedom because you cannot control where the paint is going to fly." Stated in her own words.

To sample more of Rory's wisdom and philosophy, add her on myspace or search Aurora Hoffman on Facebook.


Girl With The Boom

Meet Kasha. She's an Los Angeles, resident dear friend of Boom.Threads and Renaissance Woman of the Fine Arts. Her talents include independent Filmmaking and Production.

Kasha wears the "Starry Eyed Girl" design from Boom.Threads. She likes the bold color palate and the liberal use of Magenta, for which she has an "affinity." She found it sexy and unique. "It's hard and soft at the same time," Ms. Esque noted. The character design resonated with her own no nonsense character. "The woman on the shirt looks like she knows what she wants and won't settle for less," Kasha remarked.

Check out Kasha's Latest Photography on kashaesque.com
Feel free to contact her on Myspace

BOoM! Shake, Shake, Shake The Room!


And I am your host, Ogechi aka Uchiwali The Extraterrestrial aka Somethin' U Never Seent Befo'. Enjoy the energy radiation from these one of a kind paintings from the artistic mind of a true earthbound alien and the dynamic spirits who model the designs.