
Changin' The Format for '09

Something about my whole internet swag is going to change very soon.
In time to ring in the '09.

In fact, a lot of things.

I needs these blogs to be journal spaces and sounding boards so i'm going to stop pretending to be addressing my hordes of followers on twitter and get down and dirty with this branding business.

I need a place to be dream self.
More brainstorming. Less performing.

Besides boomthreads was never really meant for public consumption and appealing to the lowest common denominator.

so all that to say, many things are changing.

if you are looking for the lasted trendy bandwagon to hop on board, you're gonna have to look somewhere else b/c ogechi never was and never will be about that.

if you are looking for bonafide soulful connection and creative experience, we will be bringing more of that. it's multi-media, baby.

soooo, i will henceforth be merging boomthreads.blogspot.com with therealogechi.blogspot dot com underneath a new heading which will be ogechi.blogspot.com if i can get that domain...

hold a min.
let me try.

image by keif
t-shirt by georgia

1 comment:

Ace said...

Oooh, isn't she lovely?